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Open Invitation to Bid

Thank you for your consideration in partnering with us on our projects located in Lee and Hendry Counties, Florida. Habitat for Humanity of Lee and Hendry Counties, Inc. (Habitat) is currently seeking bids from qualified sub-contractors to provide professional services for our current and upcoming construction projects. Minority, female-owned and small businesses are encouraged to submit bids for this project.  

All Habitat projects may have funding sources through local, state or federal agencies. Regulations during construction, such as Davis Bacon and Related Acts for wage rates may be enforced if this type of funding is accepted. The work to be performed may be subject to the requirements of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, 12 U.S.C.1701u (section.)  

An award shall be based on the lowest and most qualified responsive bid offer with preference given to qualified Section 3 Business Concerns. Visit for additional information regarding registration as a Section 3 business. 

All applicable laws, ordinances, and the rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over the construction projects shall apply to the project throughout. Habitat for Humanity of Lee and Hendry Counties, Inc. complies with the Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3600, et seq). 


McNeill Village

McNeill Village is a 10-acre planned HOA-managed community situated between Pondella Road and McNeill Road along the border of Cape Coral. Planned for 36 single-family homes, the three- and four-bedroom designs range from 1,300 to 1,400 square feet.

See Documents

House Plans

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