In 2010, Connor’s Mom, Misty partnered with Habitat for Humanity of Lee and Hendry Counties to build a stable future for her children. Now, a little over 10 years later, Connor’s future is just beginning.
“He’s very independent,” Misty says. “Before he graduated, he was already doing work on the side.” From his part time job at a local pizza diner, to mowing lawns and fixing cars for his neighbors, Connor is always busy doing something.
Connor says he’s been learning how to fix up cars since he was a kid. “Mom taught me everything she knew – she was a mechanic when she was my age,” Connor says. “I’ve been helping her with brakes since I was nine or ten.”
Now that he’s a high school graduate, Connor is preparing to attend a technical school where he’ll learn everything he needs to know about working on cars. His goal, he says, is to one day work on Tesla’s vehicles. “It’s the future, and I’ll be ahead of the game if I know how to work on those,” Connor says.
The technical school is located in Orlando, and his schooling will last for one year. Misty says dealerships like Ford and BMW recruit from this particular school and Connor’s very excited for his future.
According to Misty, having their Habitat home has made life so much easier. “I’ve got my house, it’s paid off now, and my son graduated, so I’m really excited for him.” Misty says. “And, the house being paid off is a really big deal, because now, I have to pay for college, so I’m like yay! Thank God!”
Before moving into their Habitat home, Misty had to work two jobs just to make ends meet. After moving into their home, she was able to quit one of those jobs and spend more time with her family. “Things have been good,” Misty says. “It was one of the best decisions I’ve made for my life and I couldn’t ask for anything better.”
Children who grow up in a home their parents own are 116% more likely to graduate from college. Every child deserves a stable home where they can dream about the future. Show your support when you donate today.
Congratulations to Connor and all 2021 Habitat graduates!
Connor and his family the day they moved into their Habitat home circa 2010.
Connor and his mom Misty celebrate Connor’s Graduation, May 2021.