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Serving those who have served

Every U.S. veteran deserves a decent and affordable place to live, but not every veteran has access to affordable housing. According to the National Low Income Housing Coalition Veteran Report, more than 1.5 million U.S. veteran households pay more than 50% of their income on housing, leaving them severely cost-burdened. Through our Veterans Build initiative, you can help Habitat partner with U.S. veterans to achieve their dream of homeownership.

Get involved with Habitat’s Veterans Build:

Become a Sponsor

Engage your business in local, life-changing impact through a Veterans Build Sponsorship! (Contact Elisha Baird at

Volunteer with us

Building homes is a big part of what we do. Dig in, get dirty, and lift others up by volunteering on a construction site. Learn more about volunteering.

Make a Donation

Every donation makes a difference and enables Habitat to continue addressing the need for affordable housing. Donate securely online today.

Engage your company with Habitat’s Veterans Build

To learn more about becoming a Sponsor, contact VP of Resource & Development Elisha Baird at (239) 652-1673 or email

Veterans Build News

Homeowner StoryVeterans Build
November 26, 2024

Veterans Build 2024:
Osvaldo’s Wall Raising

Future Habitat homeowner Osvaldo and his wife stand ready to build their new home during a morning wall raising. For U.S. Army Veteran Osvaldo, the journey to homeownership began to…
Homeowner StoryVeterans Build
October 1, 2024

Meet Osvaldo: Veteran’s Build 2024

Osvaldo and his wife stand together happily while holding their daughter. Even one veteran facing housing instability is one too many. According to the Housing Assistance Council, approximately 234,299 Florida…
Homeowner StoryNewsProspectVeterans BuildWall Raising
September 15, 2023

First Veterans Build wall raising

Concrete is poured, walls are up, and Greg’s future home is taking shape in Habitat for Humanity’s Prospect Avenue neighborhood in the City of Fort Myers. The former combat medic…
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